Monday, November 15, 2010

Not the Best ...but Funny nonetheless

This is not normally the stuff I write about, but it was too long for a FB status or tweet.  Here is recap of about 2 minutes of my morning with my two girls.

Me:did u poop? 
Ella: no! 
Me: what is that in your diaper? 
Ella: poop 
Me: lets change it. 
Ella: no, we don't need to change it. 
Me: what are we going to do with it? 
Ella: I'm just going to walk around with it....

(1 min. later, in Ella's room; Addy crying in living room) 
Ella: we are coming addy.  Daddy had to change my nasty diaper. 
Ella: we are coming addy.  Daddy is putting my diaper straps on. 
Ella: we are coming addy. Daddy is putting my pjs on. 
Ella: we are coming addy.

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