Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lazy Prayer

"Christians use prayer as an excuse for inactivity so often!"

The was a 'tweet' from Perry Noble at New Spring Church a couple of weeks ago.  I retweeted it and got some interesting discussion.

My initial thought on this comment was, "WOW, how true is that for me sometimes."  It is easy for me to say, "Oh, I'm sorry about _____.  I'll pray for you." and go about my day.  I also hear about terrible things in other places of the world and think, "Man, I'll  pray for them."

This is in NO WAY supposed to degrade prayer.  The ability to converse with The Creator is an amazing thing that I either take for granted or don't take full advantage of, depending on the day.

Just a thought...a healthy conviction, if you will.

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