Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you envied?

Last weekend I lost my voice.  It started going away on Thursday at work and by the time I woke up on Friday, all I could do was whisper.  Talk about no fun, went to the zoo and couldn't even roar at the lions or mock the monkeys.

Anyway, without the ability to talk, I started thinking about how we are perceived by others.  The opinions others form about us come by two main ways, Words and Actions.  

I mean, how do other people around you form their opinions about you?  If they are close friends or family members, there is a long history of knowledge of how you react to situations, how you respond to them and what you say.  With those people that know you very well, there is an 'average perception' based on all the interactions you have had with them.  

However with others who only have occasional run-ins or people who don't even know your name, their opinion of you could be based on only one or two meetings.  The guy who takes your money at McDonald's has an opinion about you, so does the bagger at the grocery store.  Those perceptions are probably based a lot more on actions than on words.  I doubt that holding up the line at Mickey D's to explain your view on politics would get you very far. 

SO, If we profess our faith in Jesus.
AND, that He has covered all of our sins
AND, that He will take care of us in all situations, no matter what
AND, that His Love is all we need, everyday, always
THEN we should act like it.  

We should be so full of Christ's love that it is contagious ENVIOUS.  Everyone around you should be envious of what you have and want it for themselves.  That should start with those who know you the best all the way down to the girl who gives you donuts in the morning.  Everyone you come in contact with should notice something different about you, even if you never share your faith with them.  

So, are you envied?  Not because of the car you drive or the clothes you wear, but because of something more eternal.  


CoreyG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg M. said...

Excellent! It's fixed! Anyway! I was just going to comment that this was a very convicting article, brother!

I hope you have stat tracking enabled. Cmd-C is about to get "facebooked"! :-)


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