Saturday, January 16, 2010

Like 90%

Like about 90% of all blog owners, I plan to post more in the first 24 hours than the next 24 months.

Unreal stuff in Haiti... My Aunt's brother was working there during the earthquake.  He was meeting some people at The Hotel Montana when it completely collapsed.  The family has gotten word through various media channels that he was found alive after 55 hours trapped.  There are reports that amputations had to occur in order to free him.

There is a Facebook page (Haiti Earthquake Hotel Montana) dedicated to families who are looking for information on missing loved ones.  If watching it on TV doesn't make it real, go read some of the posts.

UPDATE:  Clint Rabb died from injuries related to the earthquake.  Here is a story about him.  While I did not know him personally, he obviously had a huge passion for the less fortunate.  I was told that while in a hospital in FL, that he was still concerned with others still in Haiti.  That is the kind of compassion to strive for. 

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