Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Whatcha Talkin' About

Why Cmd-C?

Cmd = Command in Apple talk.  Similar to the 'control' key in the Windows world.  Used for shortcut keystrokes, my favorite of which is Cmd-C or 'Copy'.  The 'Copy' function is invaluable.  When used with its partner 'Paste', it can be used for moving text and files around drives.  It also works in Adobe design programs for applying effects, textures, keystrokes and a ton of other options.

The Command Key was originally the Apple Key.  The Apple Key was added in 1980 to be used for keyboard shortcuts.  Around 1984, Steve Jobs felt like having 'Apple-everthing' in software menus was over-branding, so they came up with the cloverleaf-like symbol.

I think 'Copy' gets a bad wrap.  It's the sincerest form of flattery, or something like that.  In a world of great ideas, why does the wheel have to be re-invented over and over again?  So, one of the purposes of this blog is to catalog good ideas that I come across, sprinkled with some of my own original thoughts.

There aren't that many original ideas out there. 

     -Steve Wynn  

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