Sunday, January 17, 2010


Top Three Things I am skeptical of:

3. Vehicles with more than 6 bumper stickers.  So, I get if you are passionate about something and want to promote it from the rear of your car, truck or SUV.  But there should be a limit to the number allowed.  Can you really care that much about your alma matter, your kids swim team, the place you vacation, your favorite NASCAR number, a witty (slightly offensive) saying, and the political party you voted for 3 years ago.  Pick one or two and be done.

2. 24 Hour News Channels.  You cannot convince me that there is enough NOTEWORTHY news to be reported on 24 hours everyday, 365 days a year...and 366 in a leap year.  I believe that on the occasion of an important, developing story, CNN, FoxNEWS, CSPAN, MSNBC etc. do serve a purpose.  All the other times they should play a looping aquarium or fireplace video.

1. Talk Radio Personalities.  Now, I know you are thinking this has some sort of political slant, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.  Nonetheless, there is not 3 hours of important things to talk about everyday, 365 days a year...366 in leap year.  If it was volunteer work, and you were that passionate about it...I could listen.  But since their paycheck is directly related to how much they talk, they cannot just come on the air one day and say, "Well, I covered pretty much everything yesterday.  See ya tomorrow".   SO, they have to find things to rant and rave about to keep food on their table.  

I guess when you boil down my skepticism, it has to do with passion.  I totally can follow and am myself passionate about a few things.  God, my family. (And try to live like that everyday.) But when 'passion' gets spread so thin that it covers the back of your SUV, or is required 24/7 about minuscule things, just to get paid; I am skeptical.     

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