Sunday, January 24, 2010

This Sunday

811 people though the doors this weekend at Brazos Fellowship is amazing.
I mean really amazing.  That is more than 100 people over this weekend last year.  Something else amazing...we break attendance records all the time.  I mean ALL THE TIME.  If you look back at any given weekend from 2009 and compare it to the same weekend in 2008, it is almost ALWAYS HIGHER.  Probably because it happens all the time, we are kind of missing how huge that is.  There are a lot of churches that can't say that.  Not just churches, but most for-profit business would beg, borrow and steal for that kind of growth.
Now, before this gets misconstrued...Attendance is our way of measuring people being reached by Jesus.  This is not to say, "Look how awesome we are".  But rather to say, "Look how awesome God is; that he can use a rag-tag bunch of people to spread His Word".  Pretty awesome!
It's not magic, it really works.
At the heart of our Senior Pastor is evangelism.  He, from the beginning, has constantly pushed everyone to invite anyone they know to come check out the church.  The first thing you think of when you hear the word, 'Evangelism' is probably some eccentric TV personality, screaming, dancing or casting out 'demons' on a Cable Church Channel.  Ya, so do I.  But 'Evangelism' has gotten a bad wrap recently. To 'evangelize is to be engaged in the good work of proclaiming that which is good.   So, spreading the Good News is evangelism...that's it.  No purple hair needed, No prayer shawl to buy.  Just passing on the Good News of Jesus.
So, like I said, we at the core, feel called to reach out and share the message of Jesus to as many people as we can.  Evangelize=Outreach.  In 2009, Brazos Fellowship was given an amazing opportunity to start a local television broadcast of our Sunday service. We felt God was opening too many doors to pass up, so, now we have been on TV for about 9 months.  With that we have seen growth like crazy.  However after looking back at the data we have compiled over the last 6 months, we are still seeing more new visitors coming because a friend invited them.  The TV opportunity has been great and I see us doing this for a long time.  But, it is not magic, its what people in the New Testament Church called, "Euangelizo", or "a proclaiming of that which is Good"


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