Monday, November 15, 2010

Not the Best ...but Funny nonetheless

This is not normally the stuff I write about, but it was too long for a FB status or tweet.  Here is recap of about 2 minutes of my morning with my two girls.

Me:did u poop? 
Ella: no! 
Me: what is that in your diaper? 
Ella: poop 
Me: lets change it. 
Ella: no, we don't need to change it. 
Me: what are we going to do with it? 
Ella: I'm just going to walk around with it....

(1 min. later, in Ella's room; Addy crying in living room) 
Ella: we are coming addy.  Daddy had to change my nasty diaper. 
Ella: we are coming addy.  Daddy is putting my diaper straps on. 
Ella: we are coming addy. Daddy is putting my pjs on. 
Ella: we are coming addy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

‎"On the cutting edge of tech, usually bleeding profusely"

Another something I 'cmd-C' from someone else.

This was actually the tag line of an reviewer who had written a review of a part for my travel trailer...

I loved the saying, thought it was weird because of what he was reviewing.  But then again, I was reading the review and liked the saying...SO, maybe I'm the strange one?!?!

Grace vs. Chilean Miners

I wish I could take credit for this metaphor, but it was shared with me.  And in true "cmd-C" fashion, I'm just copying it.  

It is interesting how the rescue of the Chilean miners compares to God’s saving grace…

·         The miners predicament was the result of their own enterprise
·         There was no way that they could extract themselves
·         All effort toward saving them originated from above
·         There was only one (narrow) way out
·         They were each saved individually, one at a time
·         They emerged to cheering and embraces

Monday, April 26, 2010

A re-blog: Is there room for me in your church?

I read this morning and can't get it out of my head.  While I don't get this feeling where I work, I can totally relate.  It is from a blog,  Here is a synopsis: 

People with spiritual gifts like mine aren’t welcomed in your church.

My spiritual gifts include leadership and administration and discernment. That’s how God has wired me. As a result of that mix of gifts, I think in terms of systems and strategies. I have the ability to walk into a chaotic situation and offer clarity and encourage simplicity. I can’t explain it, but God allows me to see the future in some situations and develop plans and next steps that help bring a vision to fruition.

Here’s the rub, though. Since my spiritual gifts don’t include teaching or prayer or shepherding, I don’t look or smell like the typical “Spirit-filled” pastor. When I start talking strategy and planning, people automatically assume that my counsel is being driven by my own strength and not God’s power.

I admit there are days when, like every Christ-follower, I try to take control of my life rather than embracing God’s control. I’m far from perfect. But I also know that the strengths that make me unique are God’s design for my life. I assume God wants me to use those gifts in the church. You’d be amazed, though, at how much my gifts are disdained within “Spirit-filled” churches.

Engaging the counsel of others won’t limit the Holy Spirit. Planning for the future shouldn’t constrict the power of the Holy Spirit. Learning from the experiences of other leaders and ministries doesn’t constrain the Holy Spirit. Bringing order and systems and strategic approaches certainly don’t stop the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers people like me to do all those things.

It’s crazy. In the business world, people like me are rewarded handsomely for helping to expand the business. When people use those same gifts to help expand the impact of the church, though, they’re doing something wrong.

Are people who have these gifts supposed to get jobs in the marketplace where their strengths are welcomed? Is there room for them in your church?

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I realized today, that in over 3 months of writting blogging, I haven't discussed FOOD.  At all, not once.  So today that will change!

I love food.  All kinds.  Good food, bad food.  There are very few things I won't eat.  I think about food a lot.  I didn't realize how much I think about food until I began my journey into the world of BookFace/Twitter.  A large majority of my posts/status-i/tweets are about food.  There is probably another post on "Where your status, there your treasure is", but I digress.

My favorite food is sandwiches.     Now, before you say, "How boring", hear me out.  Yes, I am talking about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but I see that category as something much larger.  Isn't a 1/3 pound fire-grilled angus hamburger with thick-cut applewood smoked bacon, American cheese, lettuce tomatoes, pickles, onions on a homemade sourdough bun a sandwich?  I believe there are many things that can be classified as a 'Sandwich'.  I'd like to expound on the definition of Sandwich

sand*wich |ˈsanˌ(d)wi ch |
an item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling between them, eaten as a light meal

Now, the last part I totally disagree with.  Yes, there are 'finger sandwiches', with cucumber and egg salad, but they just give sandwiches a bad name.  So, looking at the definition closer, 'consisting of two pieces of BREAD'.  I would submit that 'bread' can be used loosely in this sense.  A tortilla could be considered bread.  Rice paper could also be considered 'bread'.  If we go that far, then anything that holds meat, cheese or other filling between them could be 'bread'.  So with that understanding...


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lazy Prayer

"Christians use prayer as an excuse for inactivity so often!"

The was a 'tweet' from Perry Noble at New Spring Church a couple of weeks ago.  I retweeted it and got some interesting discussion.

My initial thought on this comment was, "WOW, how true is that for me sometimes."  It is easy for me to say, "Oh, I'm sorry about _____.  I'll pray for you." and go about my day.  I also hear about terrible things in other places of the world and think, "Man, I'll  pray for them."

This is in NO WAY supposed to degrade prayer.  The ability to converse with The Creator is an amazing thing that I either take for granted or don't take full advantage of, depending on the day.

Just a thought...a healthy conviction, if you will.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you envied?

Last weekend I lost my voice.  It started going away on Thursday at work and by the time I woke up on Friday, all I could do was whisper.  Talk about no fun, went to the zoo and couldn't even roar at the lions or mock the monkeys.

Anyway, without the ability to talk, I started thinking about how we are perceived by others.  The opinions others form about us come by two main ways, Words and Actions.  

I mean, how do other people around you form their opinions about you?  If they are close friends or family members, there is a long history of knowledge of how you react to situations, how you respond to them and what you say.  With those people that know you very well, there is an 'average perception' based on all the interactions you have had with them.  

However with others who only have occasional run-ins or people who don't even know your name, their opinion of you could be based on only one or two meetings.  The guy who takes your money at McDonald's has an opinion about you, so does the bagger at the grocery store.  Those perceptions are probably based a lot more on actions than on words.  I doubt that holding up the line at Mickey D's to explain your view on politics would get you very far. 

SO, If we profess our faith in Jesus.
AND, that He has covered all of our sins
AND, that He will take care of us in all situations, no matter what
AND, that His Love is all we need, everyday, always
THEN we should act like it.  

We should be so full of Christ's love that it is contagious ENVIOUS.  Everyone around you should be envious of what you have and want it for themselves.  That should start with those who know you the best all the way down to the girl who gives you donuts in the morning.  Everyone you come in contact with should notice something different about you, even if you never share your faith with them.  

So, are you envied?  Not because of the car you drive or the clothes you wear, but because of something more eternal.  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another daydream...

As I grow up and gain skills that will help me to one day be called a real-life 'designer';  I have taken an interest in designing t-shirts. 

At the bottom of the page you will see some of my first and newest creations.  Feel free to order one for yourself and a few for your friends. 

Social Media Replacement

MySpace, Twitter, blogashpere, BookFace, web2.0, social media, mobile sites, apps ...

Whatever it is, what is it replacing? All of these things are relatively new, so we all can probably remember a time in our life without them. Even though it has been within the last 5 years or so, it is hard for me to think about a time that I didn't spend extreme amounts of time with them.

I am not blasting them as tools of the devil.  Obviously that would be fairly hypocritical since I'm posting this on a blog.  The question is just, what has it replaced?  If hours of surfing to the end of the internet has replaced hours of TV watching, then the argument could be made that it is an upgrade (in some form or fashion).  But what if BookFace game apps and forums/chatrooms now take the time of more worthwhile activities.  With the plethora of options on laptops/smartphones to fill our time, the possibility of moving from worthwhile 'time-fillers' to wasting time can happen quickly, easily and often without us noticing it.

Again, this is not meant to be a condemning thought for others.  That's not my style.  In fact, more than anything,  this is condemning for ME.

Final Thought:  In a day, do you spend more time in/on social media, or The Word?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Young and Old

One difference between when you are young and when you are old is the ability to stay up late. In fact, more than just the ability but also your attitude about it. When you are young, staying up past midnight, three nights in a row, is worn like a badge of courage and honor. Once older, staying up past midnight, just one night is ample reason to moan and complain.

Another difference is the effect of caffeine. I used to sleep with a Dr. Pepper can on my headboard. Now if I drink a glass of tea with dinner I may have trouble sleeping!

Friday, February 19, 2010

#C3_2010 - #1

So, still reeling from the 'holy hangover' from C3 2010.  Same thing from last year, so impacted by incredible communicators, amazing messages, and the presence of God's hand on the entire conference.

I'm sure there will be many, many other thoughts that are stewing in my brain, that will be served up on this blog-plate.  Here's one that's ready to serve.

Mature People Feed Themselves

More specifically, mature believers take care of themselves.  Not saying that they do not need love, care and the occasional help when 'chewing' on something real tough.  But, Dave Hughes talked about it this morning.  'Baby believers' are the ones who can not feed themselves...and if they try, probably will just make a mess and not get much from it.

This is an important distinction.  It would seem important to know who you are dealing with in conflict, strife, troubles or tribulation.  While there are lots of people running around touting spiritual 'maturity'...Can the really feed themselves regularly without getting strained peas in their hair, milk running down their chin and more stuff on the floor then in their soul?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Without sacrifice...

there is no love.

This is not meant to be a cheesy Valentine's Day post.  Just something that was reveled to me last week sometime.  

So, to have love there must be sacrifice.  First forget about the human/personal/relationship definition. Let's say you LOVE CocoKrispies.  You have to sacrifice eating other cereals like AppleJacks, Trixs or any other sugary breakfast goodness.  You also would have sacrifice some of your health and well-being.

What if you LOVE a certain car?  Let's say the new Chevy Camero.  If you truly LOVE it, you will probably own one.  In owning a new Camero, you would sacrifice some money (about $25k-$45k). You would also sacrifice the ability to haul a trailer or move plywood.  

LOVE your wife and kids, there are sacrifices to make.  LOVE God, other sacrifices to make.  The word 'sacrifice' kind of has a negative connotation, but it's not negative.  It is just a trade of one thing for another.  For LOVE, it means trading something you don't want for something you do want.

With LOVE, you must sacrifice.  They are sometimes easy sacrifices, sometimes they are more difficult.  I am not a 'perfect practitioner' of this idea, but being aware of it may help?!?


Thursday, February 4, 2010


1. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches should be a dessert.
Whoever snuck this through the 'menu police' was a genius.  How can you take something that sweet and call it a meal?

'and for dessert we have a Creme Brulee topped with wild raspberries or we have the Peanut Butter      and Jelly Sandwich, made with Jiffy and Smuckers'

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

C3 2010


Last year was the first time I attended an entire C3 conference.  I had been to one or two sessions about 4 years ago, before I knew what relevant church was all about.  After last year, I am very much looking forward to going this year. 

I have never been in one location with so many expert orators.  Nevermind that they are amazing innovators in the modern church world.  They can just flat out speak.  Everyone I heard last year, in their own unique way, was able to get their point across with such vivid clarity.  It's no wonder they are leading some of the largest churches in America.  

Steven Furtick, Christine Cain, Jenzen Franklin and Craig Groeschel were there in 2009.  Some will be returning, some will be new.  No matter what, its going to be good and I am looking forward to it.     

Monday, January 25, 2010

Date Your Mate Promo

Most recent work in After Effects.

Open was shot with Sony PD-170, edited in Premiere Pro by Kevin Glenn.  Everything else was put together in After Effects.

I wish I got to work in AE more than I do.  It's kind of like riding a bike, you don't forget everything, but somethings take a while to come back.  Actually its more like riding a jet-propelled motorcycle.  I can get it from Point A to Point B at 2mph, but AE can do SO MUCH more. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

This Sunday

811 people though the doors this weekend at Brazos Fellowship is amazing.
I mean really amazing.  That is more than 100 people over this weekend last year.  Something else amazing...we break attendance records all the time.  I mean ALL THE TIME.  If you look back at any given weekend from 2009 and compare it to the same weekend in 2008, it is almost ALWAYS HIGHER.  Probably because it happens all the time, we are kind of missing how huge that is.  There are a lot of churches that can't say that.  Not just churches, but most for-profit business would beg, borrow and steal for that kind of growth.
Now, before this gets misconstrued...Attendance is our way of measuring people being reached by Jesus.  This is not to say, "Look how awesome we are".  But rather to say, "Look how awesome God is; that he can use a rag-tag bunch of people to spread His Word".  Pretty awesome!
It's not magic, it really works.
At the heart of our Senior Pastor is evangelism.  He, from the beginning, has constantly pushed everyone to invite anyone they know to come check out the church.  The first thing you think of when you hear the word, 'Evangelism' is probably some eccentric TV personality, screaming, dancing or casting out 'demons' on a Cable Church Channel.  Ya, so do I.  But 'Evangelism' has gotten a bad wrap recently. To 'evangelize is to be engaged in the good work of proclaiming that which is good.   So, spreading the Good News is evangelism...that's it.  No purple hair needed, No prayer shawl to buy.  Just passing on the Good News of Jesus.
So, like I said, we at the core, feel called to reach out and share the message of Jesus to as many people as we can.  Evangelize=Outreach.  In 2009, Brazos Fellowship was given an amazing opportunity to start a local television broadcast of our Sunday service. We felt God was opening too many doors to pass up, so, now we have been on TV for about 9 months.  With that we have seen growth like crazy.  However after looking back at the data we have compiled over the last 6 months, we are still seeing more new visitors coming because a friend invited them.  The TV opportunity has been great and I see us doing this for a long time.  But, it is not magic, its what people in the New Testament Church called, "Euangelizo", or "a proclaiming of that which is Good"


Saturday, January 23, 2010


...wit tha dual screens so my baby girl can get her Elmo on.

Okay, I'll stop.  But, I AM going to catalog the installation of the dual DVD headrests for our 2007 Toyota 4Runner. 

01-23-10  9:45p.m.  Ordered the package from Kind of shady, no name players but got pretty good reviews and for under $225 I bet they will play the Wiggles just fine.  When we first looked at them, they were about $300.  They were on sale, plus a $10 off coupon code, plus free shipping.  Total to the door = $215.95   I can handle that since most portable, foldable, single screen players at $100+ from Wal-Mart. 

01-26-10  10:30a.m.  Received a text from my wife letting me know that the package from OnFair was delivered.  Wow, that was fast!

01-26-10  6:45p.m.  After my daughter went to bed, I opened the box to begin a 'short term' install.  I was leaving for a few days, so I wanted to get one in to see how it worked while I was gone.
They looked pretty good.  The grey leather matched the 4Runner perfectly.  The headrests and players seemed to be very solid and I didn't see any possible future issues.  The remotes and game controllers didn't look quite as sturdy, but for the price, very adequate.

Installation seemed fairly simple.  Adjust the posts to fit your car, run the wires down the back of the seat and plug it in.  I wish I would have realized that there were multiple diameters of posts.  The middle size fit the 4Runner very good.  If you use an 'up-sized' post, you seem to loose the ability to adjust the headrest.  Not a big deal.

I decided to use a pull string since there was not much room for me to feed the wires down the back of the seat.   This was probably the most difficult part.  Figuring out how to get the coat hanger down the back of the seat and finding it at the bottom was kind of tough, but really only took 10 minutes.

Once the string was 'routed' in the correct place, just pull the string and put the headrest posts in the holes.

At the bottom, again, pretty easy.  They use two different types of cables, so I don't think you can mess this up.  Like I said at the beginning, this is a quick, short term install.  Because of that I only installed one and ran it off the cigarette adapter. 

As soon as I put power to it, the red light came on.
It took me a little bit to realize that the red light is a 'standby light'.  If you press the 'Power' button it goes off, and the DVD will begin to play shortly.  
So far my little princess loves it.  It is loud enough without having to use headphones or run through the car audio system.  I have looked at some of the games...seem pretty cool.  After a few days we did have a fuse blow in the cigarette adapter.  I replaced it with the other one (since I only have one monitor installed so far)

Future projects to complete the install:
  • Install second headrest monitor just like the first.
  • Pull power from fuse block with 'fuse taps'
  • Connect monitors to each other so you can watch one DVD on both monitors. 
  • Experiment with the included games, wireless headphones and FM transmitter for using car audio system.
Overall I have to give this product an 'A'.  The price is amazing.  The quality you get is decent.  The installation is pretty easy.  

to be continued... (once install is final)

Disadvantaged Children

I want to talk about a different type of disadvantaged children.  It doesn't have to be related to poverty or education...what about dance?

After observing my beautiful 20 month old daughter enjoying The Wiggles, I am afraid to say, she is disadvantaged in the area of dance.  It is not her fault, I believe it is a hereditary trait.  Her mother and I are not dancers. In fact you can probably trace this handicap back to our parents.  Despite my parents taking lessons when I was younger, they are still very underprivileged in the dance realm.  

We will not give up on assisting our child.  I am planning on getting her dance 'therapy' once she reaches the appropriate age.

Accidental Disrespect

There is no real benefit to worry.  Outcomes do not change because of more or less worry.  In fact, worry probably has more of a negative effect on issues.  It can cloud the real issue and cause wasted energy on "what-if's"and hypotheticals. 

Humans are probably the only thing on Earth that worries.  Can you imagine birds, pacing back and forth in their nests, fretting on whether or not they will find worms tomorrow, or if their baby birds will do good in bird school, or if they will be able to afford their nest addition.  Silly, right?  Now, you may say it is because the avian brain does not have the capacity for that.  I say, it is because human brains have too much capacity for that.     

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life" -Matthew 6:25-27

While it is often accidental, the outcome is the same.  Worrying is disrespectful to God.  It is trying to control our issues, assuming that we know best.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Whatcha Talkin' About

Why Cmd-C?

Cmd = Command in Apple talk.  Similar to the 'control' key in the Windows world.  Used for shortcut keystrokes, my favorite of which is Cmd-C or 'Copy'.  The 'Copy' function is invaluable.  When used with its partner 'Paste', it can be used for moving text and files around drives.  It also works in Adobe design programs for applying effects, textures, keystrokes and a ton of other options.

The Command Key was originally the Apple Key.  The Apple Key was added in 1980 to be used for keyboard shortcuts.  Around 1984, Steve Jobs felt like having 'Apple-everthing' in software menus was over-branding, so they came up with the cloverleaf-like symbol.

I think 'Copy' gets a bad wrap.  It's the sincerest form of flattery, or something like that.  In a world of great ideas, why does the wheel have to be re-invented over and over again?  So, one of the purposes of this blog is to catalog good ideas that I come across, sprinkled with some of my own original thoughts.

There aren't that many original ideas out there. 

     -Steve Wynn  

Monday, January 18, 2010


Humbled by software...Again!

So as I continue my journey to learn design programs, I found another awesome tool.  Like all of my other discoveries, they are things that properly trained designers have known about forever.  Tonight my 'nugget' is Photoshop Actions.

Here is some of what I have come up with on old pictures.  I am looking forward to using these techniques on new pictures.


Let the Credits Roll

It was brought to my attention today that I am a Television Producer.  I am not really into titles.  Probably because I wear a lot of hats at work.  I have joked that I would have to pay more for business cards because they would have to flip out to have all my jobs.  "Jack of all Trades, Master at None"

Since I am the only one who works on the TV show, I think the credits would be pretty funny.

Director -- Corey Ging
Producer -- Corey Ging
Editor -- Corey Ging
Director of Photography -- Corey Ging
Production Designer -- Corey Ging
Sound Designer -- Corey Ging
1st and 2nd Assistant Directors -- Corey Ging
Associate Producer -- Corey Ging
Digital Effects Artist -- Corey Ging
Catering -- Corey Ging

This is labeled "FUNNY" so that it is understood that I am not bragging, just laughing.  I think I will start a list of all my titles.  It's over there in the right hand column.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Top Three Things I am skeptical of:

3. Vehicles with more than 6 bumper stickers.  So, I get if you are passionate about something and want to promote it from the rear of your car, truck or SUV.  But there should be a limit to the number allowed.  Can you really care that much about your alma matter, your kids swim team, the place you vacation, your favorite NASCAR number, a witty (slightly offensive) saying, and the political party you voted for 3 years ago.  Pick one or two and be done.

2. 24 Hour News Channels.  You cannot convince me that there is enough NOTEWORTHY news to be reported on 24 hours everyday, 365 days a year...and 366 in a leap year.  I believe that on the occasion of an important, developing story, CNN, FoxNEWS, CSPAN, MSNBC etc. do serve a purpose.  All the other times they should play a looping aquarium or fireplace video.

1. Talk Radio Personalities.  Now, I know you are thinking this has some sort of political slant, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.  Nonetheless, there is not 3 hours of important things to talk about everyday, 365 days a year...366 in leap year.  If it was volunteer work, and you were that passionate about it...I could listen.  But since their paycheck is directly related to how much they talk, they cannot just come on the air one day and say, "Well, I covered pretty much everything yesterday.  See ya tomorrow".   SO, they have to find things to rant and rave about to keep food on their table.  

I guess when you boil down my skepticism, it has to do with passion.  I totally can follow and am myself passionate about a few things.  God, my family. (And try to live like that everyday.) But when 'passion' gets spread so thin that it covers the back of your SUV, or is required 24/7 about minuscule things, just to get paid; I am skeptical.     

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Like 90%

Like about 90% of all blog owners, I plan to post more in the first 24 hours than the next 24 months.

Unreal stuff in Haiti... My Aunt's brother was working there during the earthquake.  He was meeting some people at The Hotel Montana when it completely collapsed.  The family has gotten word through various media channels that he was found alive after 55 hours trapped.  There are reports that amputations had to occur in order to free him.

There is a Facebook page (Haiti Earthquake Hotel Montana) dedicated to families who are looking for information on missing loved ones.  If watching it on TV doesn't make it real, go read some of the posts.

UPDATE:  Clint Rabb died from injuries related to the earthquake.  Here is a story about him.  While I did not know him personally, he obviously had a huge passion for the less fortunate.  I was told that while in a hospital in FL, that he was still concerned with others still in Haiti.  That is the kind of compassion to strive for. 

In The Begining

So, lets start this thing. Don't know what this will turn out to be. Mainly stuff in my brain. Hopefully once it is forever captured on a BLOG, it can be released from my memory and I will be able to sleep better. (not that I can't sleep, just can't shut the brain off sometimes).


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